“The saying 'health is wealth' couldn’t be more accurate. Giving yourself time to focus on you and those you love will only make you a better version of yourself.”
Please briefly introduce yourself.
Hello! My name is Ashley Turchin. I am a wife and soon-to-be (first time!) mother :). I have a background in law and the fashion business. I had my own independent fashion retail business in NYC for seven years which was a wonderful journey! I have recently moved on to pursue additional interests.
What is a typical day for you like?
My husband and I are both working from home at this time. We wake up early, enjoy our coffee together, and then dive right into our zoom meetings. It’s quite the change from our previous lives where we were commuting by foot and train in NYC. We are thoroughly enjoying this slower pace and being home together for the first time in over 10 years!
We usually wrap our days with a workout, a home-cooked meal, and a good book or film.

“Beauty encompasses so much. To me, it’s about the person, and it comes from the inside. If you’re happy, your skin will show it!”
How has your background and experience shaped the person you are today?
I think operating a very busy retail business on the ground for seven years in NYC definitely prepared me for whatever life is going to throw my way. I enjoyed every minute of the experience but also craved a more simple life where I could have the time and capacity to enjoy quiet moments and sort out my priorities. I am grateful for my windy path and excited for what the future has in store.
I do have an entrepreneurial spirit and will always get a sense of joy when working with small businesses. Luckily, in my new role as the Director of Wholesale + Business Development for The Simple Folk, I get to combine my love of fashion and business and I get to continue working with small businesses all over the world.
Does balance play a role in your life?
100%. To say I’ve experienced burnout is an understatement. The saying “health is wealth” couldn’t be more accurate. Giving yourself time to focus on you and those you love will only make you a better version of yourself.

What are some tips on maintaining balance and taking care of your well-being?
Logoff and shut down. This is so much easier said than done. It takes mental and physical restraint to leave your technology off but it is sooooo worth it in the end. We are constantly overstimulated. Our minds, bodies (and fingers!) need rest. I honestly couldn’t remember what it was like to have mental clarity and ‘free’ thoughts before Covid.
My husband and I leave our weeknights open for us time. This is when we’ll read a favorite book, do self-care (that’s different for everyone!). I’ll try a new skincare routine, do my nails or bake something. We also try to schedule one fun outing every weekend (even if it is simply to try the new bakery down the street). Having something scheduled means we will actually do it and doing things means we are making memories! If we don’t plan anything we find ourselves reaching for technology.
What does beauty mean to you?
Beauty encompasses so much. To me, it’s about the person, and it comes from the inside. If you’re happy, your skin will show it!
How has your perception of beauty evolved over the years?
When I was young I saw beauty as society taught it - on the outside. Over the years with the plethora of people I’ve met from various cultures, I’ve realized true beauty comes from within.
Are there any beauty tips from your culture that you can share?
My culture may not be American because I believe less is more! A great moisturizer, some tinted bb cream, mascara, and a lip balm - you’re in business!
What are your beauty and wellness rituals?
Actually, I was shown something that changed my world! When I was in Korea a few years ago I was at the hotel spa, in the sauna, and an elderly lady was splashing distilled water on her face and lightly slapping the water into her skin around her eyes, forehead, and cheeks. Now every evening and morning when I moisturize I sort of lightly ‘slap’ the cream into my face. It not only hydrates me but it wakes up my tired skin!

What are you reading or listening to that has made a lasting impression on you lately?
My husband teaches English & History (two subjects which I’ve always loved but am not well versed in). Finally, in the last year, I’ve had time to pick up some great masterpieces including a few favorites from the Bronte sisters, as well as Crime & Punishment by Dostoevsky and Mere Christianity by CS Lewis (a favorite!).
What are some conscious decisions we can make to help the environment and our planet?
Just that! To be conscious! Purchase one product at a time, finish it and recycle the bottle. Less is more. Buy quality, organic and sustainable items that will last. The company I work for are pioneers when it comes to sustainability within the fashion industry. We take a slow, thoughtful approach to fashion and even have a brand guarantee where we can buy back, mend, and re-sell or donate the goods - moving towards a zero-landfill policy.
What is your personal or professional mission?
I just want to be as real as possible. Cool is totally relative. I believe in giving compliments, support, and assistance. At the end of the day, what is the meaning of all of this anyway?
What does being a Good Egg mean to you?
Being a Good Egg encompasses so much! Being kind, humble, caring, thoughtful towards one another, ourselves, and the environment :).
Make a wish for your future self.
Go slow. Be mindful, and thoughtful. Take deep breaths and remember to tell people how much you love them. These actions will set you up for what you wish for: peace, love, and happiness.
Follow Ashley's journey at @ashleyturchin.