“We have an opportunity here to take back our sense of intimacy, romance, and selfhood.”
Please briefly introduce yourself.
I’m a new mom of a son, and Founder and CEO of Her place., a Lifestyle Sexual Wellness brand empowering women to rediscover pleasure without shame, fear, or the patriarchal gaze, and Talk to Her, a Brand strategy & marketing communication consultancy for experiential projects with a focus on beauty across international markets.
What is a typical day for you like?
Balancing work life and pleasure.
I’m a morning person, so I’m usually up at 6 or 7am either start a day by swimming, meditating, reading, or creating a checklist with Superegg Calm Movements Mask before I dive into work. I love a quiet morning when I find myself the most productive and can think clearly.

"With Her place. I don’t want to just break Asian American stereotypes. I want to create space for other women to grow alongside her."
How has your background and experience shaped the person you are today?
I grew up between two cultures: culturally conservative Seoul and open-minded New York. Though women-centric pleasure is still considered taboo in her birthplace, I’m continuously inspired by the sex-positive women in my life who have guided my journey of rediscovery.
With Her place. I don’t want to just break Asian American stereotypes. I want to create space for other women to grow alongside her. Women are more sexually liberated than ever, feeling free to express themselves in very big and loud ways. While awesome, this alienates women of discerning taste levels to express their sexuality without becoming a cliché. We have an opportunity here to take back our sense of intimacy, romance, and selfhood.
Does balance play a role in your life?
Absolutely! I learned it the hard way. I used to be a workaholic so burnt out multiple times. Ever since I started Her place. last May 2021, I try my best to live my brand, and it truly improved the quality of my life quickly. I'm proud to say that I have much more pleasure in my life.
What are some tips on maintaining balance and taking care of your well-being?
Sex, a positive mindset, break between work hours, travel, meditation, bath, exercise, monthly facial and massage, friends and family times!!

What does beauty mean to you?
Beautiful mind - being kind to yourself and others plus confidence.
“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”—Maya Angelou
Great skin, hair, posture, proportion, hygiene, and style!
How has your perception of beauty evolved over the years?
I truly believe that beauty comes from within. I used to not understand it fully, but fortunately, I get it now in my 40s, and fortunately, I constantly experience it :) It’s a beautiful energy that cannot be faked and hidden. People with inner beauty glow and radiate; you can also see it through their eyes and facial expression. They shine through their smiles and smile with their eyes.
I feel the most beautiful now. Being pregnant with my son makes me happy, so he makes me glow, and I’ve been getting many compliments. Also, being in love with my boyfriend, aka baby daddy, of course!
Are there any beauty tips from your culture that you can share?
Never go to sleep without washing your face, and try to wash your face as soon as you return home.
What are your beauty and wellness rituals?
Peppermint Coconut Oil Pulling (by SKINNY & CO) every morning, a monthly facial or even twice per month, face mask at home min 3 times per week using, bath min 2 times per week (usually I listen to Oprah’s Super Soul podcast or meditate using a Calm app), I spray Her everywhere spray before I start the meditation for aromatherapy. I also love taking showers using Her bar soap for body wash and applying Her body oil gel to stay moisturized and keep the aromatherapeutic scent.
What is the best beauty advice you’ve ever received?
There are SO many to just pick one, so sharing the top 8 hehe.
1) Hydration - always drink a lot of water to keep your skin and body hydrated.
2) Beauty sleep - go to bed early, before 2am max.
3) Sunscreen - always apply sunscreen and reapply 2-3 hours.
4) Vitamin C - MUST!
5) Exfoliation - min 2 times per week.
6) Never pop your pimples - a pimple patch is my best friend!
7) Never touch your face, change the pillowcase and clean your phone often, too.
8) Know your skin to find the best product for you, from drugstores to high-end department stores.

What Superegg product does your skin love the most?
Tonal Scenery Reparative Serum, Sound Renewal Moisturizer, and Calm Movements Mask.
I’m nine months pregnant, and I’ve been using all three for over a month, both morning and night. I love the light texture, quick absorbance into my skin, and safe for my sensitive skin. It’s perfect for summer and heat/ flush during my last third trimester. It’s not easy to find premium quality, vegan, and plant-based skincare products that I can trust for me and my baby! But, I’ll continue to use it during my postpartum days and even after that Superegg skin glow!
What are you reading or listening to that has made a lasting impression on you lately?
Super Soul podcast by Oprah: Deepak Chopra: Creating Harmony
Birth Without Fear by January Harshe
What are conscious decisions we can make to help the environment and our planet?
Daily compost, daily trash recycle, effort to have less trash, minimize the use of plastic bags by always bringing a grocery/shopping bag, and consciously put effort into buying and using recyclable and recycled products, if possible!
What is your personal or professional mission?
My professional and personal mission is to create space for her body, her sex life, and her womankind — without shame, fear, or the patriarchal gaze. Championing sexual health, the lifestyle brand empowers women and their allies to share personal stories, rediscover pleasure, and foster community.
Each thoughtfully made product is made for and by our community — intersecting women and women allied, people of the global majority, LGBTQ people, and the creative world.
What does being a Good Egg mean to you?
Being good to yourself and good to the planet.
Make a wish for your future self.
Continue to live a healthy life filled with love and pleasure surrounded by people I love and who love me and my family.
Follow Joyce's journey at @onleejoy and @loveherplace.
Portrait Credit: Courtney Yates