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good eggs

Mayisha Siddiqui


“One of my biggest goals is to learn more about reconnecting with myself and being patient enough to see the beauty in my surroundings while learning to slow down.”


Please briefly introduce yourself.

My name is Mayisha Siddiqui, and I am currently a lifestyle creator who also founded my statement jewelry brand, Defoe & Co. With the past 9 years running marketing analytics and operations for tech companies, I realized even with the amazing growth and stability granted by my past roles, I always lean towards the creative side of the hustle and want to create something that’s both more personal and tangible, that allows me to control my own schedule and to also maintain a balanced life. I was born in China, raised in Canton and Bangladesh, and matured in the US since I moved here at 16. I am an introvert who knows how to socialize, a coffee snob, and an animal friend. If I had all the money and time in the world, I would travel to immerse myself in different cultures, spend my days collecting stories and photographs under my lens, try different artisan crafts that express beauty, host events for lovely people, and donate to more good causes.


What is a typical day like for you?

Since I left my corporate job a year and a half ago, my schedule has been very different. Lately, I wake up around 7:50am, do my skincare, drink a glass of chlorophyll water, and make coffees for my partner and me while practicing my laughable latte arts. I then start the work day by writing down my daily work agenda in my planner and dealing with some emails before taking on the other main tasks of the day. About 3 days a week, I try to move my body after work by either following a Pilates video or going swimming for 45 minutes. I enjoy a TV session with my partner while we enjoy dinner together, and sometimes deal with some leftover work afterward for an hour or so. I aim to have a hard stop at 9:30pm on all social media and laptop work and spend some time reading or connecting with my family/friends before bed.

“Beauty means noticing the joy and aesthetics of ordinary life and finding inner contentment, joy, and confidence."


How has your background and experience shaped the person you are today? 

My parents ran an international trading business that required them to travel often, so I never lived with them until I was 14 (mainly raised by my grandparents before then). I left my home country and moved to the US alone after turning 16 to continue my education, so growing up, I have always been independent. It was a blessing that I was given space for self-exploration and building a problem-solving mind, but it also inevitably put me into survival mode constantly, even though my family was always my safety net in the background. As I become older with this realization, one of my biggest goals is to learn more about reconnecting with myself and being patient enough to see the beauty in my surroundings while learning to slow down. 


Does balance play a role in your life?

Yes. As I navigate my 30s, it has become more important, too, in terms of balancing my personal life and work hours, balancing my mental health and relationships with my part of family, balancing the time I create for myself and others, and so much more. 



What are some tips on maintaining balance and taking care of your well-being?

1. Setting boundaries - saying no when I need to, evaluating my energy and time;
2. Making time for joy - staying present while doing things I love, whether it's exploring a new spot, listening to music, or just relaxing;
3. Cleansing my circle and connecting with others - surrounding myself with clear-headed, supportive people.



What does beauty mean to you?

Beauty means noticing the joy and aesthetics of ordinary life and finding inner contentment, joy, and confidence. It, of course, also means the external elements, like beautiful decor, vibes, a healthy glow on my body, etc, but they still all connect to how they make us feel internally. 



How has your perception of beauty evolved over the years?

When I was little, I saw beauty as an external, outer impression of a person. But as I age and experience things on a deeper level, my perception of beauty has completely altered. I feel the most beautiful when I am happy, confident, and physically comfortable. Sometimes, it could be when I’m bare-faced; sometimes, it would be a day that I totally dress up. It really is the mental and emotional part that makes a difference. 




Are there any beauty tips from your culture that you can share?

My mom is Chinese, and I spent years in mainland China. There, people believe in “nourishing the inner body” with herbs and flowers, which are the main ingredients of Chinese medicine. I recently started drinking floral tea throughout the day to reduce inflammation in the body. From the Bengali side of my roots, oiling my hair and skin and using turmeric for acne are two big ones.


What are your beauty and wellness rituals?

On the weekend, I do an “everything shower” and a facial spa at home, drenching my legs with body butter, lighting a scented candle after cleaning the house, and seeking some sort of therapy if I feel down (shopping for an item or two that has longevity, reorganizing my living room, booking a massage). 


What is the best beauty advice you’ve ever received?

Beauty comes from within, so first, learn to stress less first. Double cleanse when I wear any sunscreens or makeup, exfoliate, and wear SPF. 



What Superegg product does your skin love the most?

I am currently loving Pure Transparency Treatment Essence, Sound Renewal Serum Cream, and Tonal Scenery Reparative Serum. They all get drunk up by my skin effortlessly and can maintain the moisture all day. The little biome-boosting capsules in the serum are also so fun and satisfying when I melt them into my skin :)


What are you reading or listening to that has made a lasting impression on you lately?

I reread Trevor Noah’s Born a Crime, a memoir about his childhood growing up in apartheid South Africa as a mixed-race child. As I learned about the history, I was impressed by Trevor’s ability to cope with humor while showing systemic racism from a daily life perspective as a kid.

I also started reading Park Avenue Summer, a book written according to the real stories of the editor-in-chief of Cosmo magazine. I love how it describes the glamour and grit of New York City in the 1960s and how it teaches us that confidence is key, challenging the status quo can make a real change, and women’s sexual freedom should be celebrated. 


What conscious decisions can we make to help the environment and our planet?

Small things that don’t take a lot of effort and only require some consciousness. For example, ordering the proper portion of food to limit plastic takeout boxes and asking not to include plastic utensils while ordering delivery. I also use 100% compostable mailing boxes and wraps in my business’s packaging, use public transportation more even when we could drive to the city, etc.  





What is your personal or professional mission?

I want to experience more beauty in the world in general—both in my daily life and upcoming travels, as well as in both my personal and professional life. I hope to connect with kind-hearted, enthusiastic people, deepen my understanding of human emotions, and continue evolving through self-discovery and self-awareness.


What does being a Good Egg mean to you?

Being kind and having empathy towards others, granting the same empathy towards ourselves, and having the courage to do the right things. 


Make a wish for your future self.

I wish to be happy and to live a life that allows me to build meaningful connections with good people while learning about myself to the fullest. I hope to always have a kind, curious heart—one that is open to seeing others’ lives and hearing their stories. Even if I face challenges or struggles, I wish to see the beauty in the world and share that with those around me. 


 Follow Mayisha's journey at @mayisha.nyc and @defoe.co.

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